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An exclusive mastermind for select entrepreneurs who want to live #TheExitLifestyle. 
This mastermind will show you how to have a successful business and a balanced life.

⬅️ Click "PLAY" to listen to the features & benefits of the Exiter Club

What Do You Get from The Exiter Club?


  • Drive more customers, clients, and profits into your business
  • Cut stress from your life so you feel healthy, energized, and strong
  • Ready your business for maximum growth and scale
  • Slash your working hours by up to 50%
  • Finally get the freedom you wanted when you started the company to begin with

This mastermind will prepare you to exit the daily operations of your business sooner than you ever felt possible. Think of your return on investment. What is freedom worth to you?

Three Goals of The Exiter Club


  • Design your ideal lifestyle and optimize your business to support it
  • Transit ion from owner-operator to owner-investor to free up time and focus on bigger ideas
  • Gain clarity on your life goals and create a roadmap to achieve them
  • Harness the power of the mastermind principle to accelerate your success and achieve your goals


  • Participate in The Exiter Fund private syndication to generate long-term passive income through real estate and business investments
  • Collaborate with members to pool funds and invest in opportunities for generational wealth
  • Earn passive income through collective investments with fellow Exiters and experienced investors


  • Make a difference in 10,000 lives by supporting our non-profit initiative, Legacy Changers 
  • Pool resources to provide one-year support for individuals to cover overhead expenses whil e they focus on starting a business
  • Serve as a coach and mentor to these individuals to provide a million-dollar education to get their businesses off the ground
  • Empower individuals to become business owners to escape poverty and mediocrity

Why Are People Joining The Exiter Club?


Imagine getting to live life on your terms every day. Having control over the decisions you make daily. Having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, whenever you want…


Why Did You Start Your Business in the First Place?

The Exiter Club is your fast track to living the exit lifestyle, which transforms you from owner-operator to owner-investor.

If you were unexpectedly hospitalized for one month and had no communication with your staff, what would happen to the daily operations, sales, and profitability of your business while you were away?

Don't know if your business would survive?

That is EXACTLY why you need to join The Exiter Club. Learn how to get your business running–and thriving–in your absence. You can stop fearing the worst case scenario. Together we'll get you ready to #ExitWithoutExiting and make your business worth 30-50% more than it was yesterday.


How exactly will joining The Exiter Club benefit you?

  • Accelerate your exit and implement real world tactics to regain control over your time and how you choose to spend it.
  • Tap into a rare form of collective wisdom with other successful entrepreneurs who want to exit successfully and live the exit lifestyle.
  • A supportive and exclusive community of like-minded people who all want to build, scale, enjoy, and exit their businesses.
  • Open your mind to new and bigger ideas about the next chapter of your life as an entrepreneur.
  • Get genuine advice and feedback about your business and your next big adventure.
  • Have a sounding board for your ideas and how best to exit.
  • Gain access to more resources to get to exit more quickly.
  • Expand your network to know more people like you.
  • Learn to have more confidence in your business and life plans.
  • Trusted accountability to attain goals on your timeline.
  • Receive honest feedback from other entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants on your exit plan.
  • Gain proximity to other super-successful entrepreneurs who are also living #theexitlifestyle.

What's included in your membership in The Exiter Club?

  • Two monthly mastermind sessions via Zoom
  • Two business valuations with a guarantee of a 30% increase in value year one*
  • Access to private coaching sessions with expert certified coaches each month
  • Access to regular group coaching calls with XOS™ Certified Coaches
  • Invitations to exclusive mastermind intensive retreats
  • Invitations to three in-person weekend workshops per year
  • Invitation to our annual luxury retreat (all-inclusive) for you and your spouse
  • Invitations to multiple top-tier live events throughout the year
  • One-hour Exiter Plan Call with The Real Jason Duncan
  • Access to The Real Jason Duncan through a private chat group
  • Access to the Exiter Club portal with video resources and downloadable documents
  • Private communication forum for all Exiters
  • Accountability for getting you a solid plan to exit your business
  • Free enrollment into the XOS™ Program and XOS™ Accelerators Courses 
  • Access to a private investment syndication of Exiter Club members for long-term passive cash flow
  • Opportunities to mentor others into entrepreneurship and success
Apply Now to See If You Qualify

Annual Luxury All-inclusive Retreat!


My mission is to use my gifts of teaching and leadership to help others achieve the results they want out of life.

  • Currently, I am the owner of seven companies. I have been recognized nationally by Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines. I went from unemployed schoolteacher to millionaire through entrepreneurship.
  • My next achievement was successfully exiting the daily operations of that business so I could live #TheExitLifestyle and launch several other companies. 
  • When I’m not traveling with my wife in our RV a third of the year or riding my motorcycle on cross-country trips, I spend my time coaching other entrepreneurs on how to #exitwithoutexiting so they can live #theexitlifestyle, too.

Ask yourself this question


If you were unexpectedly hospitalized for one month and had no communication with your staff, what would happen to the daily operations, sales, and profitability of your business while you were away?

If your answer includes a decline in revenue or profits, you need The Exiter Club. It will change your life and the life or your business forever!




The Exiter's Credo

  1. We commit to overcoming and conquering the hero syndrome so that our businesses will thrive in our absence.
  2. We commit to achieving the exit lifestyle with or without selling our businesses.
  3. We commit to working diligently towards our exit plan regularly.
  4. We commit to surrounding ourselves with other entrepreneurs and business owners who also seek to live the exit lifestyle.
  5. We commit to demonstrating a clear priority for affecting positive change over the negative hustle culture that keeps so many entrepreneurs prisoner to their businesses.
  6. We understand and acknowledge that business ownership is not the goal; rather it provides financial resources to support our families and personal lives outside the business and will remember to keep this perspective at all times. 
  7. We commit to a higher level of education for ourselves and those who work for and with us so that everyone benefits from our exit.
  8. We shall be generous with our own time and resources in order to make a positive impact on the world.

Three Membership Options

Fast Track Membership

90-Day Membership

  • XOS™ Video Course
  • Exiter Club Online Portal
  • Exiter Plan Call with Jason
  • Business Valuation 
  • Kickstart Consultations with each XOS™ Certified Coach
  • Regular Group Coaching Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Training Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Hotseat Sessions
  • Exiter Club Private Signal Chat
  • Private Coaching Sessions with Industry Experts

Exiter Club Membership

Annual Membership

  • XOS™ Video Course
  • Exiter Club Online Portal
  • Exiter Plan Call with Jason
  • Two Business Valuations (at beginning & at 12 months)
  • Guaranteed 30% Increase in Business Valuation
  • Kickstart Consultations with each XOS™ Certified Coach
  • Regular Group Coaching Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Training Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Hotseat Sessions
  • Exiter Club Private Signal Chat
  • Private Coaching Sessions with Industry Experts

Exiter Club All Access

Includes Live Events

  • XOS™ Video Course
  • Exiter Club Online Portal
  • Exiter Plan Call with Jason
  • Two Business Valuations (at beginning & at 12 months)
  • Guaranteed 30% Increase in Business Valuation
  • Kickstart Consultations with each XOS™ Certified Coach
  • Regular Group Coaching Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Training Calls
  • Exiter Club Monthly Hotseat Sessions
  • Exiter Club Private Signal Chat
  • Private Coaching Sessions with Industry Experts
  • Exiter Club Adventure Day (3x/yr)
  • Exiter Club Workshops (3x/yr)
  • Exiter Club Annual Retreat