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More About Exit Without Exiting
Why did I write this book?
I wrote this book because I believe there is a better way to exit your business than just selling it. As an unemployed schoolteacher who became an accidental entrepreneur, I built a successful business but found myself unfulfilled and trapped. I discovered a new way out, which I call the "third way." In my book, I share my story and how you, too, can exit your business without selling it.
Who should read this book?
This book is for entrepreneurs, specifically two types: those who are successful but unfulfilled and want something more, and those who are capped by their ability to grow their business further. If you're one of these entrepreneurs, then "Exit Without Exiting" is the book for you. I share the tactics to free up over 50% of your time in the business, so you can focus on growing it in the way you truly desire, without neglecting family, friends, or your health.
What transformation will I experience through this book?
By reading this book, you'll discover that you don't have to be a slave or prisoner to your business. You can build an extremely successful business and enjoy the true meaning of life, living a fulfilled life. If you commit to following the four core principles taught in this book, you can exit your business without selling it and begin living in the center of your purpose.

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Host of The Root of All Success
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